Monday, March 23, 2020

Plastic Fork Tulips

Here is a simple and cute project. 
You'll need:
Any paint (washable tempera best)
Plastic fork (metal would be fine just wash it well when done

Put paint on a paper plate or tray, dip back of fork into paint and make prints, add paint stems or let dry and add details with marker.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Invisible Sight Words or Invisible Letters

Here's another fun way to practice sight words, letter names or letter sounds with materials you probably have around.

Using a white or clear crayon (those little ones from Egg Dying kits work well) write the words or letters on a white sheet of paper.  Press hard and go over each word a few times.

Then let your kiddo use water colors to reveal the words or letters. Have them say the word, spell the word and say it again as they paint over it. Or have them say the letter, think of a word that starts with that letter or say the letter and its sound as they paint over each letter. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sight Word Practice Pages

Here are some great practice pages for sight words. With our school district cutting back on paper so drastically nothing like this is coming home so I am going to print the ones that Mr. Man needs to work on and then save them and have him  "invisible draw" over them (that's an unsharpened pencil.)

Sight word practice pages from

Thursday, April 18, 2013

bubble wrap

Bubble Wrap Burst!

Here's a fun way to reinforce any simple skill your kiddo needs help with.
Write letters, sight words, math facts on each bubble and when the kiddo correctly reads the words, ids the letter/sound, or solves the fact they get to pop the bubble.

Great fine motor activity too!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Another simple game that can be made to reinforce many skills.
You will need:
wooden craft sticks or tongue depressors
fine tip permanent marker
To prep write the color, letter, math fact or any other skill on each stick. On a few sticks write the word MOOSE. (If you crafty you can draw a picture. I wrote it and make an attempt to draw antlers!) Place the sticks in the cup so that the fact/word is at the bottom of the cup.
Each player takes turns pulling out a stick and naming the color, letter or saying the letter sound or solving the math fact. When a player pulls the word MOOSE from the cup they say (or yell) moose and make the moose sign. My little guys is doing his version below. The true ASL sign is with all 5 fingers extended on both hands but the "I love you" version was just too cute not to share.  Then all the players put there sticks back in the cup again. This can be the never ending game or you can play until each player gets moose x-times.
Happy Learning!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sight Word Spin

Here's a quick easy game.


You will need:
a small top (I got mine at Walmart in with stocking stuffers.)
a cookie sheet with edges
a copy of templates below
a copy of the recording sheet (optional)

Fill in the sight words being practice at the bottom of the recording sheet.
Place the sight word sheet in the cookie sheet. Let the child spin the top in the cookie sheet. Have them read the word the top lands on and fill in the box above the correct word on the recording sheet. Play until one word reaches the top. To make this reuseable use pennies, or other small markers to record your data.
Also, you can use any sight words you like by simply writing in new words on the blank word grid.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sight Words

We have been working hard on our Star Words (Sight Words to everyone else!!!)  And I have been trying to find a way to post them that is cute and doesn't take up too much room. Thank you Pinterest. I found this super cute idea at another blog

Sight Word Caterpillar

I may change it up at bit and make it a book too. With the caterpillar faces as the cover and the pages with each word!  We'll see how I do.

Happy Reading!